Hi Everyone:
Happy Monday. Anita here with a fun tutorial for making your own paper flowers. I love using them on both cards and layouts and you will be so happy to see how easy they are to make. We are so lucky to be sponsored this whole month by the Robin's Nest and I have used one of her jewels on my layout. Be sure to check out the challenge blog to see what everyone has been creating with these awesome products.
Here are the supplies that you are going to need to make the flowers. The petal roller is optional, but I like to use one so that I don't squish my flowers. You can also use a quilling tool. I use wet adhesive because I believe that it holds better than glue dots. You can also round your corners by hand as well.
You need to cut your paper into squares, no matter what size flower you want. These are three inch squares which makes pretty good size flowers. The corners also need to be rounded. Once you have done that, turn your paper over to the back side that won't be showing on your project and start at one edge and draw a spiral into the center of the paper. Leave a bit of a circle in the center as this ends up being the part that you glue your flower to. Also please note that you can make your spiral have more or less lines and this will also change the look of your flower.Start cutting from one edge and cut along your lines until you get to the center.
Start rolling your flower from the edge where you made your first cut. You are going to want the pattern you would like to see when you look at your flower on the inside so make sure that you are rolling with that in mind.

What darling flowers you created! Lovely job!